剧本有缺陷为尊龙加一星龙叔本人对于性别的看法:I never perceived “man” and “woman” as different. I always perceived them quite equally in front of me. And I really believe that’s the future of mankind, where we all become secure in our own sexuality - about our own ingredients of male and female - to the point where we are able to become truly androgynous. (Sheila Benson’s Interview with John Lone September, 1993)
太能共情以至于看这样的片子居然还能把自己看哭了……女主真的衰到我“不忍卒读”但看看我自己半斤对八两可以马上出演真人版了…… 奇怪的两极世界坏运气世界里充满着乐天派即使所有事情都不如意也能立时翻篇转头寻找下一个“快乐”而好运气世界锱铢必较厄运随时都会见缝插针仿佛即使拥有无穷尽的好运气也无法拥有真正快乐起来的力量 两块好运宝石无法同时放入因为当好运唾手可得的时候就不再显得那么珍贵而厄运缠绕的坏运气世界即使只有一小罐好运也能让快乐遍布“Joy”可能并不是来源于好运晶石而是永远积极乐观的心态 如果我也注定这么衰那么希望这份衰运失却之阵能够将我带领到好的地方去碰上全世界最幸运的事And I'd do it all over again to get there.